Healing Trauma Through the Creative Arts
Primal Healing and Art • Writing Like A Woman
Intuitive Art, Writing and Collage
Hello, I’m Marta.
I support women in recovery from trauma who desire to heal through the creative arts so that they can free themselves from what holds them back, and confidently express their emotions, unique experiences, and creative voices.
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Unlock your creativity and heal through intuitive writing, visual art, and dreams.
If you long to write, paint, feel deeply, and tell your story but are terrified of exposing yourself and being vulnerable, you are not alone.
Brain research shows that the intellect alone cannot heal trauma. True healing requires engaging the right brain in non-linear intuition. embodied approaches and understanding the long-term effect of family and generational trauma patterns and myths.
To heal, you need to feel.
“You cannot reconcile creativeness with technical achievement. You may be perfect playing the piano and not be creative; you may play the piano brilliantly and not be a musician. You may be able to handle color, put paint on canvas, and, most cleverly, and not be a creative painter. We have techniques.. how to put up a house, build a bridge, and educate our children through a system. We have learned all these techniques, but our hearts and minds are empty.
Creativeness is not found through technique. If you have something to say, you create your own style, but when you have nothing to say, even if you have a beautiful style, what you write is only the traditional routine; a repetition of new words of the same old thing. When we have lost the song, we pursue the singer. We learn the song's technique from the singer, but there is no song. And I say the song is essential; the joy of singing is essential. The technique can be built up from nothing when the joy is there. You will invent your own technique. You won’t have to study elocution or style. When you have, you see, and the very seeing of beauty is the art.”
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Here is how we can work together.
Healing Long-Term Effects of Childhood Abuse
Inner child work delves deep into emotional depths where the pain is frozen
Healing shame and betrayal from unhealed sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.
Recovering connection and safety when trust is broken with adults
Recovery from Addiction, Chronic Illness, and Co-Dependency
Additional approaches to complement 12-step programs.
Addressing depression, anxiety, and resistance as symptoms of unexpressed fear, heartbreak, and grief
Diving into shadow personalities, co-dependency, addiction (what you deny and scares you the most)
How do embrace the victim child’s story without shame or blame
Mending the wounded soul-spirituality experienced through creativity, nature, and dreams
Exploration of multigenerational family patterns and family history
Navigating life-changing events (death, divorce, illness) to move forward. Opening to creative callings, nature, delving into dream images through intuitive storytelling and art to heal and integrate your whole self
Emotional intimacy and communication for couples
For committed relationships where trust and honesty have been broken.
Understanding how dysfunctional family and generational patterns leak onto the other (blame and shame)
Practicing emotional intimacy skills as the foundation of trust and empathy.
Creative expression, deep listening, and understanding unconscious dynamics to overcome defensive patterns that keep you separate instead of allies
For Writers and artists who desire to live a creative life
Are terrified of emotional vulnerability and exposing family secrets
Societal and family guilt“ You can’t make money as an artist” “Follow the family business.” “My mother never became an artist. I don’t want to hurt her by being an artist.”
Fear of abandonment of friends and family if you don’t “fit in.”
Women ready to excavate with their true selves
For women ready to dive into the unknown of unchartered emotions and change their lives
Women hungry for self-discovery, renewal, truth-telling to feel safe in their bodies
Are ready to carve their own path of creativity, emotional and spiritual expression, and break from the past
Need healing from divorce, childhood abuse, abandonment, addiction, neglect, trauma, and chronic illness through personal storytelling, intuitive art, and journaling
My programs and sessions are not yet for women who
Are experiencing suicidal ideation
Are struggling to function in their daily lives and their essential self-care needs
Actively in their addiction
If these are your current experiences, contact a specialist for support.
“To live the life you want to live, you need to let go of the life you’re living”
— Carl Jung
Book a free therapy consultation
To set up a free 30-minute consultation, please send me an email by clicking below:
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